Editing Process Records

When editing the records in the Processing edit table, two additional options for copying and pasting entire process and routing records appear in the Edit menu.


The Processing Edit menu's first five selections are identical to the Table Edit menu. The two additional menu items are as follows:

Copy Record Copies all fields of the current record for subsequent pasting.

Paste Record Places a copy of the most recently copied record above the current record.

Please note

Notes on editing process records:

1. A process record consists of all fields in the Process edit table, as well as all corresponding routing records defined in the Routing edit table for the given process.

2. From a Routing edit table, you may only use the Copy Record and Paste Record options to copy routing information to another routing record.

3. These options cannot be used to copy processing or routing records from one model to another.

How to copy information from another record:

1. Select the information to copy from field of the desired record.

2. From the Edit menu, select Copy Record (or press CTRL + C) to copy the information.

3. In the field you want to place the information, select Paste Record from the Edit menu (or press CTRL + V).

Please note

Alternately, you may copy information between records using the right-click menu.